Book review – Another World


Title: Another World

Published: January 1st 1998

Author: Pat Barker

Published by: Viking books

My rating: ★★★★☆

Buy it here


You know when you have to read a book for school and at first you are like “gaarrrgg I do not want to read this, I want to read my own books!” but the you get into it and are all “YAS”! Well, that was me during Another World. As we in english are currently working with a First World War theme we had to read this book, and I was very pleasantly surprised.

Another World deals with Nick and his family: his pregnant wife Fran, his daughter Miranda, his stepson Gareth, and his and Fran’s shared son Jared. The family is struggling with living together and moving into their new house. At the same time Gordie, Nicks more than a hundred year old grandfather is dying of cancer, which requires Nick being there a lot of the time. Dying and wasting away as Gordie is, he is having flashbacks to the First World War where he and his brother fought and only Gordie made it out alive. But what of the giant old house Nick and Fran has bought? Who were the Fanshawe family that lived there a hundred years ago? And why do they still feel so present?

The book is a interesting mix of mystery, WW1 and modern everyday family life. I found the three themes rather refreshing, as they are all so different yet connected at the same time. The WW1 aspect really caught my interest, as it portrayed the aftermath and PTSD aspect of the war in a unique new way. At the same time the more spooky parts with the Fanshawe’s gave the story a boost (or should I say a chilling breeze).

The family is quite a disaster and I did not particularly like any of the characters.. stil I liked the image they portrayed as a family. How they are a mess and that life is not merely a dance on roses. They have to fight and fight each other, but they are still some kind of unit.

My favorite thing of all though must be Nick and Gordie’s relationship. How Nick takes care of his dear grandfather who raised him like a father. I found it quite touching and also very fascinating. Gordie is a wonder! Over one hundred years old, dying of cancer yet his humor and charisma is still intact.

Over all I really liked this book. I did not love it – but it stirred enough emotions in me to make up for it.

I decided to give Another World  by Pat Barker ★★★★☆

It was magnificent and brilliant and I highly recommend reading it!

Love and spiced tea

– Anne Sofie

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